How To Create A Lookalike Audience On Facebook

For marketers, there’s nothing as good as easy optimization. Facebook is one of the social platforms that provide marketers with a near infinite number of ways for reaching their prospects. One of these is Facebook Lookalike audience, which is the perfect way for supercharging your online marketing strategy without breaking the bank.

What is a Lookalike Audience?

How To Create A Lookalike Audience On Facebook

For those familiar with Google AdWords Similar Audiences, Lookalikes is a very similar feature, albeit much better. Lookalikes is ideally a way to reach a brand new audience on Facebook, with arguably the best feature of all; the new audience isn’t simply defined by a set or targeting parameters, rather, it actually shares certain traits with your chosen set/group of existing prospects. As such, the degrees of similarity that they represent your choice of source audience, and the possibilities of working with lookalike audiences, are endless.

For instance, if you’re selling plugins, uploading a list of your customer’s email addresses can help you to find users on Facebook who acts as previous plugin buyers. If you want to generate leads, creating a lookalike audience from form submissions can help you reach Facebook users that are more inclined to give up their information.

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What to Do When Ideas for Your Blog Have Run Dry

It happens to any blogger no matter how experienced they are or not. The spring of ideas for your sales blog dries up. But, you need to get your blog post content out there and do it fast! You have lots of subscribers who frequently visit your website and you can’t let them down. That puts even more pressure on you to blog, but you don’t want to write anything that comes to mind. So what do you need to do so you can start writing again? Read on and check out these tips so you can never ran out of ideas for your blog.

Never Run Out of Ideas for Your Blog With These Simple Tips

What to Do When Ideas for Your Blog Have Run Dry

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Search Intent Optimization: How To Write For Search Intent?

Search engine optimization is a pain and it often is a long drawn out process that is going to take a lot of work to get right. However, one aspect a lot of marketers tend to overlook when they are writing for the search engines is the search intent. So what exactly is search intent and how should you be writing to meet the search intent? Even better, how is changing your writing for your website going to change to meet the search intent? Well, all of that is about to be answered here.

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How to Launch Your Own Affiliate Program

Once you have begun to develop your own products, it is time to launch your own affiliate program. If you want to make the maximum amount of money from your products, it is vital that you have an affiliate program. Affiliate programs allow you to leverage the scale of a large sales force without having to pay the fixed costs of an in-house sales team. Just think about it, leveraging a large commission-based sales force can help you reach a much larger portion of the market than you could on your own or with a small in-house sales team.

The point of having an affiliate program is that it will be an incentive for other marketers to help you make money at the same time they are making money by becoming your sales force. You will be able to use your time to develop new products, create JV partnerships and take care of other aspects of your business.

There are several different ways to set up your affiliate program. You will need to use the method that is best for where you are in the world and what kind of product you are marketing.

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Long-Form Content: What are the benefits?

Ask a number of content marketers about long-form content, and you are likely to get two different answers. Some will say that longer articles are a gamble, given the audience’s assumed little attention spans. Others will say that posting longer content is a great way to engage with readers and give them a rewarding experience.

But which group of marketers is right? If you guessed the latter, you are correct. Long content is king, and in this read, we shall see why.

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How to Tackle a Bad Bounce Rate

One of the major issues in any SEO campaign is the bounce rate that a website produces. The bounce rate refers to how often a person checks on your website than immediately or almost immediately backtracks to look at the previous search results. This is often seen as a negative snap judgement on your website and a high bounce rate will knock your rankings down. This stat is also closely tied into a related website statistic that also affects SEO: average time spent on site per visitor.

All the off page SEO work might be a waste if people take one look at your website and then run away screaming. While each reason for a quick bounce might be different, there are a few things every website owner can do to help them tackle the problem of a bad bounce rate.

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Backlinks: 10 Places To Get Them

It is now widely accepted within the search engine optimization (SEO) community that site owners need to build backlinks for SEO success. And not just any backlinks – the backlinks need to be high-caliber. If you’re new to this, you may be asking yourself – what are backlinks? Backlinks are links that point to your site. Most, if not all, search engines use the validation of other web sites pointing their users to other sites as a premium ranking factor for the sites receiving the traffic.  Backlinks also provide direct and organic traffic, so it’s a double win. It was once the case that you could flood the Internet with high volumes of low-caliber links and generate great results. Google put an end to this years ago, and while doing so might still generate some results briefly, the inevitable penalties are hardly worth the time and trouble.

Those involved in SEO now realize that a single high-caliber backlink is worth more than a thousand spam links or even more black hat links. In truth, high volumes of low-caliber links will backfire on you badly, sinking your page instead of promoting it, and possibly even getting you deindexed from search engines altogether.

Since modern traffic directly relates to the caliber of your website’s backlinks, you’ll be far more successful with more reputable websites linking to you. If you want these better rankings and traffic, then you need to know how to get high-caliber backlinks. What sites are places where the public can leave links and yet still see a high standard of quality maintained?

Backlinks: 10 Places To Get Them | Backlinks

It’s a complicated subject. However, while high-caliber backlinks seem difficult to attain, they don’t have to be. There are many ways you can earn or build backlinks, especially from authoritative sources. Here are 10 you can use in your broader SEO campaign:

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Video Marketing: Your Ultimate Guide |

Video marketing is simply using online videos in the promotion of your business. There are many ways to use videos to build your business including putting them on your own website or posting them on YouTube. The following article will help you evaluate the different types of videos and the many ways they can be used for business building.

Secrets of Super Successful Video Marketing

Video marketing is one of the best things you can do for your business. The more videos you create and use, the better you will get at making highly effective videos. If you have a new idea, try it out. That is the best way to learn what works and what does not work. Don’t be afraid to experiment. If you haven’t used video marketing yet, this is the best time to try it.  Read more so you can start creating highly effective marketing videos for your brand.

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How Online Video Advertising Increase Conversion Rates |

Can Online Video Advertising Help You Close More Sales?

Can Online Video Advertising Help You Close More Sales? | How Online Video Advertising Increase Conversion Rates |

If you haven’t experimented with video advertising yet, you may have missed a critical tool that can help your company gain more exposure. Most of all, videos can help you make an emotional connection with your marketing audience in a way that text and regular graphics just can’t. Learn how video advertising can help your company close more sales and take more leads with improved reach and higher conversions.

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8 Ideas For Overcoming Writer’s Block On Your Website

You should note that this article, “Eight Ideas For Overcoming Writer’s Block On Your Website,” was either purchased on the marketplace and thus this article was previously available to anyone, or we ordered the article through the ordering platform. As mentioned in our intro blog post, we are featuring articles that have been written by the writers here at We did not cause the writer to spend an unusual amount of time writing the article on our behalf. In other words, this is a fine example of the quality of writing that is available to all our customers.  The final output contains a few minor edits on our part to include graphics, insert links, and so forth. Without further ado, please read on!

Crush Writer’s Block With These 8 Tricks

Eight Ideas For Overcoming Writer’s Block On Your Website |

It’s as true today as it was a number of years ago that writing and publishing high quality articles is one of the best ways to build a solid online business. When you share your expertise and knowledge, you build credibility as an expert along with letting your customers know about your products and services.

The problem comes when you can’t think of anything to write. Be assured that it happens to everyone from time to time. To help you, here are eight great content ideas to use when you are up against a deadline. Read more so you can beat writer’s block in no time!

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