Top Valentine’s Day Marketing Tips for Small Businesses

Need some foolproof Valentine’s day marketing tips this coming holiday?

Valentine’s Day is celebrated around the world and is often a wonderful time to show affection, admiration, and love towards the special people in your life. Along with this beautiful time of the year, it’s important for businesses to maximize the opportunity in front of them.

Many businesses miss out because they don’t pay attention to the viability of a Valentine’s Day marketing campaign. In this read, it’s time to dig deeper into what can be done as a small business while hoping to reap the rewards of this cherished day. Check out our top Valentine’s day marketing tips for your business:

Valentine’s Day Marketing Tips To Grab Your Customer’s Attention

1) Celebrate the Romance on Social Media

It all begins with the use of social media and how you approach it.

The goal should be to have a set of posts/tweets ready for the big day. These themed posts need to revolve around the idea of Valentine’s Day. Do not make these posts generic! You want them to openly illustrate the importance of Valentine’s Day as that’s how you’re going to catch people’s eye. Otherwise, the posts will get lost in the shuffle and you’ll never see the returns that may have been possible.

To celebrate romance on social media, you’ll want to create posts that are designed to accentuate the love-based them. You want something that has the relevant colors, phrases, and images that are associated with Valentine’s Day. By doing this, you’ll gain people’s attention.

2) Promote Love Through “2 for 1” Sales

With Valentine’s Day being about couples, it’s never a bad idea to promote love in the form of a 2 for 1 deal. In essence, this is a great way to get people to enjoy the moment, learn about your small business, and still see the connection to Valentine’s Day.

For example, let’s imagine you are selling a collection of shower products. Why not pair a “His and Her” set of body washes for this day? By doing so, you give people a wonderful deal and create a positive memory for the customer. Creating an emotional connection and tying that back to your product or services is a great way to build customer loyalty. A simple sale is nice but it doesn’t have the same impact as getting involved in the celebrations.

So think about your products and services, and how you can pair them together to create a positive experience for your customers.

3) Maximize Valentine’s Day Theme in Your Email Marketing

Using email campaigns is the fastest way to get your message out to your customers.

Yes, this won’t be the only way you promote on Valentine’s Day but it is one of the leading options up your sleeve.  Plan the campaign well in advance so you hit customers up with offers well ahead of the holiday. You should initially plan to run a single email that goes out before February 14th. Some small businesses prefer the idea of creating sets of emails that can be sent out leading up to the big day. This is up to you and it’s important to make sure most of the work is done well in advance.

Don’t send out the first email on February 14th as that may be too late for people to buy. Instead, you want to have it leading up to the day, so people can prepare and have their funds ready to buy what you’re selling to them.

4) Ask Loyal Customers To Mention Their Loved Ones Online

Your loyal customers can become a great source of inspiration on Valentine’s Day.

Everyone has a story or two to share and it is never a bad idea to get them to speak up. In fact, you should also encourage those that are single to share more about important people in their lives because this is a day catered to love whether it’s a spouse, boyfriend/girlfriend, or a parent.

To do this, engage with loyal followers through social media platforms to see how people are celebrating the day. They will feel involved and loved by the brand, which is a major win for you.

5) Use Relevant Hashtags on Social Media

Twitter has made hashtags popular, so make use of them. Think about fun and holiday-appropriate hashtags well in advance. They should be built around Valentine’s Day and work with what you are hoping to sell. Create a few posts and make sure to get them up as soon as possible.

6) Spread the Love

In essence, act as a positive contributor to society. This is a day for small businesses to demonstrate love for their communities. There’s no better way to show this than with a charitable contribution. Take the time to seek out a meaningful charity and donate funds on behalf of the brand. This is a great way to celebrate the day and show you remain an integral part of the community.

When customers start to notice this, they will appreciate your business. We hope that these Valentine’s Day marketing tips can help you boost sales and improve your conversions on this one extra sweet day.

Do you have any other helpful Valentine’s day marketing tips? Let us know on the comment section below!

Did you like this article? Well here’s another one we’re sure you’ll love: Facebook For Business Growth – Why You Need To Start Using Facebook Now

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Dental Marketing Strategies That Actually Work | INA Marketing Series

Dental Marketing Strategies That Actually Work | INA Marketing Series

Here at iNA, we are starting a new series of blog posts dedicated to best marketing practices for specific industries that some of our clients and readers operate in. As always, these articles are written by INA staff members. In this case, we’ve specifically asked a writer who has expertise in the dental industry to write this article. To all the dentists out there, we hope you enjoy these top 5 foolproof dental marketing strategies to attract more patients this year!

Top 5 Dental Marketing Strategies To Try This Year

On average, a solo dental practice requires more than 20 new patients every month (at the lowest) for it to grow and succeed. However, the problem is that traditional dental marketing practices will not get you this figure. We are living in a period where more than 90% of customers go on the web to find a local service. And since most potential customers are not searching for a dentist via traditional media (TV, radio, newspaper, etc.), you will need to embrace a new set of marketing practices. If you are looking for marketing best practices, Here are a few of our recommended best practices:

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Video Marketing Tools You Should Try Now

In order to have an effective video marketing strategy, you have be familiar about the existing video marketing tools out there and select the best one that will help you build your first video campaign. Cisco estimates that Internet video traffic will account for 80 percent of all traffic, which means that you need to start experimenting with video marketing immediately. Fortunately, technological advancements mean that you don’t need to be a professional video master to create amazing video content. Video marketing is one of the best ways that you can promote your brand online. To effectively use video, you first have to identify the type of videos you plant to create as well as where and how to market them. You also need to asses how well the videos are performing to make appropriate changes. To do all that, you need the assistance of one or more video marketing tools. Here are ten of the best video marketing tools you should use:

Video Marketing Tools You Should Try Now

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Best Practices To Load Your Mobile Website In Under 1 Second

Best Practices To Load Your Mobile Website In Under One Second

In this day and age, more than 60% of visitors to your website come via mobile devices (i.e. smartphones, tablets). It’s become important to cater to their needs and set up mobile-friendly websites.

However, one of the biggest issues modern websites face is their loading time. Too many websites take 5+ seconds to load on mobile devices, which can be cumbersome and simply inefficient. Visitors don’t want to wait around and are going to leave if the load time is slow. Therefore, it’s best to look at the following practices to keep your load time under one second.

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Retargeting Ads – A Beginner’s Guide

Retargeting refers to a marketing strategy that allows for the delivery of personalized ads to users that have visited your website previously. If you show them relevant content as they keep moving around the web, you can engage with such users in the hope of recapturing their interest.

Retargeting ads can be a highly effective component of your inbound marketing strategy, but only if you execute it properly. The end game of retargeting is to convert casual browsers into loyal customers, but you should first have the right strategy in place to do this successfully.

The following is a beginner’s guide to retargeting ads, and how you can make use of them to unlock your ability to draw visitors back to your website once you know that they are closer to making a purchase decision.

How Do Retargeting Ads Work?

Retargeting ads a beginner's guide | INeedArticles

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Effective Ways To Boost Valuable Business Referrals

Effective Ways To Boost Valuable Business Referrals Featured

How To Get More Referrals For Your Business

Although, the key components of a successful business are professionalism, communication, and leaving a lasting impression. All these play an important role in defining how your customers perceive you and your business. You might not fully realize that all these actions on your part have the power to increase your word of mouth marketing. Simply put, it means that if your customers are satisfied with your quality of service, they are more likely to recommend you to their friends and family because you are awesome. Client referrals are an effective way to grow your small business.

Being awesome is obviously an important aspect of getting referrals from your existing customer base, but you may still need a bit more to get more referrals. Here are 5 simple but effective ways for you to increase your chances of getting more referrals.

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Online Reputation: Best Tips For Small Businesses

A small business is heavily reliant on its online reputation.

Sometimes, all it takes is a single negative review for the business to spiral out of control. With this in mind, many business owners feel apprehensive about their chances of building a positive brand without dealing with the consequences of a damaging review.

In such situations, it’s best to focus on the right approach towards handling reputation-related objectives. Here are some of the best ways small businesses can improve their reputation online.

Best Ways Small Businesses Can Improve Their Online Reputation

Online Reputation: Best Tips for Small Businesses

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Learn How To Add Facebook Pixel To WordPress Website

What Is Facebook Pixel

Learn How To Add Facebook Pixel To WordPress Website - What is Facebook Pixel

Facebook Pixel is actually a type of coding that you will be adding into your website. When you add this onto your website you will notice that it is going to allow you to start to get information on the visitors of your website. Now, this does not mean that you are going to get the information on a personal level or even who they are. Instead, you are going to end up getting the information what they like and dislike with the website and their overall interest.

Now, it is important that you realize this is going to only work on people that have a Facebook account. If they do not have a Facebook account you will not be able to get the information, but when they do it tends to connect the likes and dislikes of the people and put them in the audience you have specified for your website. For example, if you have a travel website and are focusing on England, you may find that most people who travel to England like going to Manchester, instead of London. WHich allows you to focus your ads more to these people and help you in getting the proper promotion you want to have for your ads.

How Does Facebook Pixel Help Out

This is going to be something else that you need to consider because you will want to know what kind of help this is going to give you. Well, we started to touch on it a little bit earlier and that is the fact that this is going to allow you to start to get the aim that you need to have on the ads that you are going to be putting out.

Now, you may start to ask yourself how exactly this will help out, but it is very easy to see because this is going to allow you to start to establish audiences based off of the likes of people. This will allow you to advertise specific groups that are going to be focused in on those likes. So this will help you save money on the advertising and actually reach people that are interested in the products that you are putting out.

Does Facebook Pixel Save Money

This is going to be a factor that a lot of people are going to love and that is the fact this is going to save them quite a bit of money. The way it saves money is by allowing for a better targeting of the ads people are going to have running. For example, if you are using an ad that is going to be targeted to a specific audience you are most likely going to get more clicks on the ad, but you will also be able to write the ad in  way that is going to allow you to draw in people to click on the ads. So this will help you in saving money on the ads and actually reach a target audience that is going to interested in the product that you are putting out.

How Do You Install Facebook Pixel On WordPress

A challenge that you will find with any of the WordPress based websites is trying to get specific code installed on the site. The reason this is a challenge here is the fact the website is going to often need to get the code installed in the head section of each page for it to work properly. This is the time you should know that you can start to install the code rather easily if you know how and this is going to start with a plugin that you can use.

Learn How To Add Facebook Pixel To WordPress Website - How Do You Install Facebook Pixel On WordPress

Learn How To Add Facebook Pixel To WordPress Website - How Do You Install Facebook Pixel On WordPress

Since this is going to go in the header section you will want to use a plugin that inserts coding into the header. A common one is simply called insert header and footer. This plugin once you have it installed is going to be very easy for you to use as it makes it easy for you to copy and paste the code that Facebook gives you into the section it needs to be in. Then all that you have to do is click the save button. Once you do this, it will allow you to have the code that you need to have from Facebook Pixels into the pages and allow you to start to get the information right away and not have to worry about trying to install the information on each individual page.

When you are trying to save money on your Facebook advertising you may think about trying to focus your information quite a bit more. Since this is the case, you will want to know more about how Facebook Pixel is able to help you out in getting the reach you want to have to specific audiences. This way you are able to get the proper information on your visitors and know they are going to be able to target your advertising even better than what you are going to expect and this will help you save quite a bit of money on your advertising budget.


Did you like this article? Well here’s another one we’re sure you’ll love: How To Create A Lookalike Audience On Facebook

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How To Write The Perfect Meta Tags For More Traffic

Meta tags were of great significance in the early days of Search Engine Optimization (SEO). Back then, they were an effective way to tell search engines what a particular website was called, what it was all about, and the keywords you believed your website should rank for.

Unfortunately, people abused and manipulated Meta tags and they are no longer as essential factor in your search engine rankings as they previously were. However, they still can have a great impact on the search presence of your website as well as your website traffic.

What Are Meta Tags?

Meta tags are a form of metadata that describes the content of webpages to the search engines within the source code. They are part of HTML coding of your website and work behind the scenes to help search engines make sense of each webpage.

Types of Meta Tags

If you are wondering about the Meta tags to use, it is important to know the different types available. While there are numerous Meta tags online, there are just 5 major types of Meta tags that are listed below

1. Title Tag

How To Write The Perfect Meta Tags For More Traffic - Title Tag

It defines the title of the webpage and is referred as <title> </title>.

It represents the information seen at the top of the browser as well as in the Search Engine Results Pages (SERPs) It is one of the most important on-page SEO factors when it comes to increasing the ranking of your website. To optimize the title tag for better rankings, ensure that you include the primary keyword at the start of the title tag.

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How To Add Google Tag Manager To A WordPress Site

As any online marketer and most businesses will tell you, getting good search engine rankings for your website are worth their weight in gold. There are hundreds of different things you can do, from adding more and better content, tweaking your titles, or changing your keywords regularly to keep Google’s interest and move up in the rankings (for an in-depth analysis of Google’s ranking factors, check out this article). When you have a WordPress site, there are plenty of different people advising you to install various plug-ins and programs that will attract the attention of more customers and Google as well. Tags are one of the many important items that Google looks at in order to serve up your site to those that it thinks are interested in what you have to offer. Take a deeper dive on how Google tag manager works. Take a look at exactly what tags are, how Google uses them, how you can also use them to help the search engines, and why they are so important. 

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