Promoting Blog Posts: Top 10 Things To Do After Writing A Blog Post

If you’re creating high quality content and not driving traffic, this post is for you! We’ve read on other blogs that you should plan on spending around 20% of your time writing and 80% promoting blog posts (of course, you could also outsource the writing to us so you can focus 100% of your time promoting blog posts, which many of our customers do because the math just makes sense).  But if you’re going to insist on creating your own content and want to monetize your site, you need to plan on spending ~4x as much effort promoting your content! Please read on for our writers’ views on what to do after writing a blog post.

Promoting Blog Posts

Have you created a wonderful blog full of lots of useful content for your readers? Now it’s time to work on promoting blog posts! Before you get antsy and press that “Publish” button, please take the time to go through a checklist of items on the “to do” list.

Here is the list for you to use and keep in mind.

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How Article Directories Can Hamper Your SEO Campaign

Article directories have played a key role in search engine optimization link building strategies for years. Directories are a place where various website owners and authors publish their content on different article submission sites. There are thousands of such directories including Goarticles, ArticleDashboard, Sooperarticles, EzineArticles and more. These directories are filled with thousands of articles related to each category.

Eight years ago, article directories used to be the holy grail of content marketing. Why? Because publishing articles in a directory quickly grows a site’s backlink profile. Unfortunately, article directories are no longer the holy grail. In fact, publishing content to these directories, even the famous ones, is not only pointless, but it can actually harm your SEO campaign. Here are some of the reasons why:

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Intro to Facebook Affiliate Marketing

This post, “Intro to Facebook Affiliate Marketing,” continues our series on using social media to drive traffic to your site. The post was either purchased through the Marketplace or purchased through the ordering system. If you’d like to explore how to use social media, please see our Intro to Facebook Marketing and our post Use Social Media to Generate Traffic.

Intro to Facebook Affiliate Marketing

These days, most affiliate marketers are aware of the enormous impact social networking can have on their business. But they don’t really understand how to use it to their greatest benefit. They might occasionally post about their business but, too often, their posts are either inappropriate for a business and look spammy or they put up content that is unrelated to their products or services. Sometimes they use bad social media etiquette such as posting their links on other peoples’ pages or even spamming their family and friends. None of these practices are helpful and will probably hurt your business.

Instead, there are a number of ways to do affiliate marketing on Facebook properly and, best of all, you can make a lot of money doing it. The amount of traffic you can get on Facebook is phenomenal and you can cash in if you know how to find your target audience.

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How to Set Up Highly Effective Squeeze Pages

As mentioned in our intro blog post, we are featuring articles that have been written by the writers here at You should note that this article, “How to Set Up Highly Effective Squeeze Pages,” was either purchased on the marketplace and thus this article was previously available to anyone, or we ordered the article through the ordering platform. We did not cause the writer to spend an unusual amount of time writing the article on our behalf. In other words, this is a fine example of the quality of writing that is available to all our customers.  If you would like to learn more about content marketing, please see our posts on building an email list rapidly, selecting photos for wordpress, getting started with content marketing, and consider these eight templates to help you be more productive.

How to Set Up Highly Effective Squeeze Pages

Squeeze pages are used to get people to opt-in to your mailing list or newsletter by giving their name and email address. Most of the time, a squeeze page is not as long as a sales letter, but they do usually contain bullet points and teaser text. And today, video often replaces a lot of the text on a squeeze page. It doesn’t matter whether you are creating a squeeze page that is text-based or video, follow these simple steps.

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SEO Backlink Report: Guest Blogging for SEO Success!

As mentioned in our intro blog post, we are featuring articles that have been written by the writers here at You should note that this article, “SEO Backlink Report: Guest Blogging for SEO Success,” was either purchased on the marketplace and thus this article was previously available to anyone, or we ordered the article through the ordering platform. We did not cause the writer to spend an unusual amount of time writing the article on our behalf. In other words, this is a fine example of the quality of writing that is available to all our customers.  The final output contains a few minor edits on our part to include graphics, insert links, and so forth. If you would like further information on SEO optimization strategies, please see our posts on finding backlinks like a pro, creating the perfect backlink profile, working with SEO companies, or our 2018 on-page SEO Report

SEO Backlink Report: Guest Blogging for SEO Success!

One of the important things to chase after when you’re hitting an SEO campaign are high quality backlinks from guest blogging. While guest blogging used to be talked about and really popular, after all the Google updates many people stopped talking about it and went on to other things. However, if you don’t use a shotgun approach and you actually go after relevant helpful backlinks in the right way by providing outstanding content, guest blogging can still be one of the most powerful tools you have for any SEO campaign. Even just a few good links can make all the difference and shoot you up to the top of page one.

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Selecting Photos For WordPress Based Articles

As mentioned in our intro blog post, we are featuring articles that have been written by the writers here at You should note that this article, “Selecting Photos For WordPress Based Articles,” was either purchased on the marketplace and thus this article was previously available to anyone, or we ordered the article through the ordering platform. We did not cause the writer to spend an unusual amount of time writing the article on our behalf. In other words, this is a fine example of the quality of writing that is available to all our customers.  This article continues our exploration of best content marketing practices. To explore this subject further, please check out our other posts on the topic, including How To Get Started With Content Marketing, Eight Templates Every Content Marketer Needs to Use, and Return on Investment From Using Outsourced Writers.

selecting photos for wordpress
Scrabble anyone?

Selecting Photos For WordPress Based Articles

If you are trying to create a good authority blog and want to ensure that you are getting the best possible results, you will need to incorporate great visuals into your posts. However, taking and editing all of your own photos is extremely time consuming, and buying licenses can leave you with lower profits than you initially wanted. Thankfully, there are a number of different options available online that will help you get around this problem, boosting your income over time.

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How To Find A Great SEO Firm For Your Small Business

As mentioned in our intro blog post, we will feature articles that have been written by the writers here at You should note that this article, our “How To Find A Great SEO Firm For Your Small Business” was either purchased on the marketplace and thus this article was previously available to anyone, or we ordered the article through the ordering platform. We did not cause the writer to spend an unusual amount of time writing the article on our behalf. In other words, this is a fine example of the quality of writing that is available to all our customers.  The final output contains a few minor edits on our part to include graphics, insert links, and so forth. If you’re looking for further information on working with SEO companies, we previously published a related post by another writer from INA entitled “10 Tips For Choosing The Right SEO Company” that you may find useful as well. Without further ado, please read on!

How To Find A Great SEO Firm For Your Small Business

In the early days of SEO, getting a top page rank on the search engines was quite easy. All you had to do was to repeat a keyword over and over on a web page and throw in thousands of spammy links to the site. Things have changed today. The search engines have become a whole lot smarter. Throwing thousands of spammy links to your site is a great way to get your site penalized by Google and the other search engines.

In fact, search engine optimization is not a DIY strategy anymore. It requires highly specialized training and skills. That is where a reputable search engine optimization firm comes in handy. Without a professional SEO agency, your small business is unlikely to rank higher in the search engine results pages or SERPs. But how will you find the right SEO firm on the market with hundreds of SEO agencies operating out there? Here are some important factors to consider when trying to find a great SEO firm for your small business.

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Three Tips To Help Your Business Build An Email List Rapidly

As mentioned in our intro blog post, we will feature articles that have been written by the writers here at You should note that this article, our “Three Tips To Help Your Business Build An Email List Rapidly” was either purchased on the marketplace and thus this article was previously available to anyone, or we ordered the article through the ordering platform. We did not cause the writer to spend an unusual amount of time writing the article on our behalf. In other words, this is a fine example of the quality of writing that is available to all our customers.  The final output contains a few minor edits on our part to include graphics, insert links, and so forth. If you’re looking for more information on content marketing, check out our posts How To Get Started With Content Marketing, Eight Templates Every Content Marketer Needs to UseReturn On Investment From Using Outsourced Writers, or Selecting Photos For WordPress Articles.

Three Tips To Help Your Business Build an Email List Rapidly

According to multiple marketing studies, email has the potential to provide great returns on investment. Marketers who don’t have success with email marketing usually have trouble getting over the first hump. That is, they don’t know how to get lots of interested people to sign up.

Of course, you will need a sizable base of subscribers to enjoy good results from your email marketing campaigns. If you don’t have quite a few subscribers, you can’t even begin to test and refine the rest of your email marketing plan because you won’t have enough results to work with.

How To Grow Your Company’s Email List Fast

It’s easy to understand why some folks are reluctant to hand over their email addresses when they probably already get a lot of emails in their inbox. At the same time, successful email marketers know how to overcome this barrier with the right enticements.

Consider these three tips to help you build an email list rapidly:

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Eight Templates Every Content Marketer Needs To Use

As mentioned in our intro blog post, we will feature articles that have been written by the writers here at You should note that this article, our “Eight Templates Every Content Marketer Needs To Use” was either purchased on the marketplace and thus this article was previously available to anyone, or we ordered the article through the ordering platform. We did not cause the writer to spend an unusual amount of time writing the article on our behalf. In other words, this is a fine example of the quality of writing that is available to all our customers.  The final output contains a few minor edits on our part to include graphics, insert links, and so forth. In addition to reading this post, check out our introduction to content marketing and tips for building an email list for more useful tips to help you turbocharge your content marketing efforts.

Eight Templates Every Content Marketer Needs To Use

A worker is often only as good as his tools. When it comes to content marketing, templates are some of the most important tools around. Here are eight templates that every content marketers need to have in their toolbox.

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10 Tips For Choosing The Right SEO Company

As mentioned in our intro blog post, we will feature articles that have been written by the writers here at You should note that this article, our “10 Tips For Choosing The Right SEO Company” was either purchased on the marketplace and thus this article was previously available to anyone, or we ordered the article through the ordering platform. We did not cause the writer to spend an unusual amount of time writing the article on our behalf. In other words, this is a fine example of the quality of writing that is available to all our customers.  The final output contains a few minor edits on our part to include graphics, insert links, and so forth.

10 Tips For Choosing The Right SEO Company

SEO is an integral part of any online marketing campaign. If your wish is to own a website that gets enormous amounts of traffic on a monthly basis then search engine optimization should be a top priority. As we speak, there is a lot of information on search engine optimization strategies and techniques on the internet. Having access to this information may lead you to assume that you are more than capable of running your website’s SEO campaign all by yourself. However, this is not a very wise decision.

Having an abundance of knowledge on search engine optimization is not the only requirement needed to get your website to the top of search results. Even with a lot of effort and dedication, there is only so much you can do to optimize your website without the help of a professional SEO company. SEO is a time consuming and tedious activity that demands that a person have specific skills and experience in order to undertake successfully. SEO is also a continuous process that does not start today and end tomorrow. An SEO campaign needs to be implemented over several months or even years in order for your website to obtain and maintain a good ranking.

Consequently, hiring an SEO company is the best way you can go about optimizing your website. However, it is important that you find the right SEO company to help get your website to the top of search results. There are so many SEO companies and service providers out there today so it can sometimes be difficult to choose the right one. This should not worry you as highlighted below are 10 tips for choosing the right SEO company for your website or online business.

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