This read is going to offer insight into what works and what doesn’t when it comes to 4th of July marketing campaigns for small businesses.
July 4th celebrates an important day in American history and is well-regarded by millions of Americans.
In this spirit, you want to make a positive marketing decision by using July 4th as a way to build brand awareness. Now, you are going to have a multitude of ideas and each one is going to seem appealing but it’s important to do this the right way. Otherwise, you can end up making mistakes and wasting away this wonderful opportunity.
1) Show Your Patriotism
This should be a given and is the heartbeat of a positive July 4th marketing campaign.
You should look to change the colors of your website, social media accounts, and any other digital asset to the American blue, red, and white. By doing this, you will showcase a special love for the flag and that’s going to set the tone as you pursue additional marketing strategies. Too many small businesses do the bare minimum (i.e. a simple July 4th post on Twitter) when this is an opportunity to get out there!
You want to avoid making this mistake and learn from what others are doing.
This is why it’s best to show your patriotism by sending out themed emails, engaging with followers, and simply celebrating the day.
2) Set Up a July 4th Sale
Yes, a small business needs to set up a sale on this day because it’s an opportunity to engage with potential customers.
Numerous leads will come through and look at your inventory, which is why it’s important to make the inventory as appealing as possible. Regular prices aren’t going to do it for customers and they will look the other way. As a result, you want to be on top of things and make sure there’s a collection of products/services that are discounted for the big day. When people see sales on a national holiday, they’re inclined to take out their credit card and make a purchase.
You want to tap into this feeling and make sure your small business has something good to offer in terms of discounted products. Otherwise, you are going to be missing out on a boatload of sales.
3) Partner with Another Small Business To Showcase Unity
What is July 4th all about? It’s about unity and there’s nothing more important than showcasing your love for the community. There are many ways of showcasing your love but one of the unique ones would be to partner up with a local small business.
This business doesn’t have to be related to your niche but should be from the community.
This partnership can include an event in the park or something to bring people together with hot dogs, cotton candy, and more. When people start to associate your brand with the community, it’s going to be a win-win for everyone.
4) Host a July 4th Party
As mentioned before, you want to take advantage of the celebratory mood and set up a patriotic party.
This party is going to be wonderful and will ensure customers come out to enjoy the day. This is going to put your business is wonderful light and that’s when sales are made.
5) Engage With Your Customers
Engaging with your customers is one of the easiest things a business can do and will help things progress at the speed you want them to. Focus on engaging with the customers in a professional manner and speak about what July 4th means to them.
This is where the brand is able to build awareness and use July 4th as a way to bring in new customers. When people are talking about a holiday such as this, it becomes easier to sell them on a brand in comparison to any other time of the year.
6) Appreciate the Veterans on Social Media
Social media is a powerful tool for marketing purposes and it can do wonders on July 4th.
In general, you want to make sure to speak out about the day, what it stands for, and how your small business respects what it’s all about. By doing this, you are going to show a deep love for the country and this begins by appreciate what veterans have done for the nation. Thos sacrifices always matter and it’s something the business can utilize to spread love and illustrate why it remains an important part of the community.
7) Partner With a Veterans’ Charity
Partnering with a good veterans charity is never a bad idea. In essence, you are taking Independence Day and ensuring it lives up to the billing by putting your money where your mouth is as a small business.
By getting your customer base involved (i.e. matching their contributions), you are able to make the day a wonderful one for everyone involved. It is also a great way to spread the word about your patriotism as a business and why you are such a wonderful part of the community. Sometimes, it’s the little things that resonate with people and there are many Americans that love their nation and want to celebrate it as much as possible. This is a real win-win opportunity for your small business and all it takes is for you to partner up with a reliable and proven charity.
Even if you don’t get involved with a veterans’ charity, it’s never a bad idea to choose any charity that’s dear to your heart.
These are the main marketing tips to focus on as a small business owner on July 4th. You are going to have quite a few options available to you but these are the ideal PR choices that will bring in new customers. Some of the finest small businesses in America have utilized these particular tips and done well on July 4th. Focus on these tips, craft a marketing strategy, and then begin spreading the word as soon as you can!